A Message from Principal
Khalsa College society, Amritsar, came into existence on 14 April, 1892 under the societies registration Act XXI, 1860. The avowed aim of its founding father was the eradication of ignorance, illiteracy, social evils bedeviling the Indian society through the spread of enlightened, progressive and value oriented education, promotion of health services, development of language and culture, propagation of higher values and preservance of heritage were its other professed goals.
Although the stress laid on the moulding and reshaping the Punjab youth according to Sikh Ideals, Khalsa College Society has always maintained a secular stance and outlook ever since its inception.
This 120 years old prestigious educational society of Punjab is at present running many educational institutions with objectives to spread modern education on western lines, so that the masses may be kept abreast of the times. The society is well aware that education and health are two most important basic services, keeping in view the dire need of providing better health services.
In July 2006, the college of Nursing was established with graduation course in nursing profession. Nursing is a noble profession with a long and illustrious history and traditions of selfless service and dedication. Nursing profession is a very challenging and highly specialized which has great demand in the society. Nursing has to set the pace for new challenges, new opportunities and new horizons.
As the nurse educators of 21st century, we must show innovation and creativity for the professional development of nurses so as to help reshape the health care system.
I am certain that Khalsa College of Nursing will grow to greater heights in the years to come to attain the pinnacle of excellence in the field of Nursing. I wish them success in all future endeavours.
With best wishes.
Dr. Amanpreet Kaur